Thursday, August 18, 2011

Would You Want YOUR Children Being Taught in School to Hate and Kill ALL Peoples that are a different belief ?

No, I would not want this, and you are quite correct in your statements. This is what people in those areas are taught, and it is frightening and wrong. It does explain a lot about some of the problems in the world, though, doesn't it?

A song with a lonely childhood feeling?

i need a song that has lyrics that relate to a child that has been either abandoned or unloved during their childhood. it can be about how unhappy they were when they had to go through that..etc.i already have one which is because of you-kelly clarkson. can you guys please help me? TEN POINTS!

Convert my regular fireplace to gas?

well, first, if you have natural gas to the fireplace, then yes, you can install a plain log lighter which is a bar with small holes on the bottom to simply start a wood log on fire- otherwise, there are ceramic fake log kits which come with the works simulating a real nice natural fire. again, most important requirement is a natural gas line at the fireplace itself, choices are endless afterwards - do be sure the vent or flue lining is in tact to avoid any carbon monoxide issues due to a defective vent if you are to use the existing fireplace

Twin paradox.....confusing?

Acceleration has an affect on time. The faster you are traveling the slower the time is but this does not affect our everyday speeds. This is true when you move near speed of light. I mean it is true for our everyday speeds as well but not significantly ... actually let me double check on this... I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THE BOOK IS RIGHT.... but right now i'm working on calculus... so when i have time i'll check it out... and post it back here... post the reason and the explanation.

What type of humour do you find the funniest?

Neither really. I mean, I find most humour funny, but specifically the intelligent stuff. Slapstick and toilet humour isn't very original, even though it can be used in controversial ways. I like observational humour such as George Carlin, because we can all relate to it, but it's stuff we never want to talk about!

Children and Fish Food?

Good call Mrs Crabbs-should the need arise I hope you will be getting a filter for that bathtub & testing the parameters regularly!! :)

I am trying to locate an obiturary and dont have the money or a credit card can anyone tellme where to go?

I am looking for 2 obbituary From my news paper on Timothy L Young , and Calvin curtis craig can any one tell me where I can go and find these with out having to use a credit card or money thanks hope you guys can help