Monday, August 8, 2011

Is Gov. Palin Self Serving (Concerning Her Daughters Pregnancy Issue)?

I have to admit that same thought has crossed my mind. I mean she is raising children and basically applying for a very time consuming job. However, I am betting she and her family have discussed this and they are all for it. She is going to be painted as a terrible mother and the fact that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant will just help this cause to paint her as a mother who puts her own priorities over her family. However, at the same time this helps her to better relate to the average American family. To be honest with you she is the first "Politician" on the national stage that I feel can relate to the same issues that I struggle and deal with on a daily basis. My wife is a stay at home mother (who votes) and this lady has gotten her fired up to vote for McCain (she voted for Hilary in the Primaries but I think that was because she thinks Obama is dangerous and wanted to do what she could to stop him not because she is a die hard Hilary supporter). I think the media is trying to make this a huge issue but I think average Americans (which I feel my family and I are) relate to this lady and this may seal the deal for the republicans.

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