Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is it weird to find your dad annoying?

I'm 15. Let's start with: My family and I couldn't be anymore different. My mom is against gay marriage, and I am supporting it. I believe that life should be lived appreciated and happily, while my mom believes money will resolve everything, and the fact that she looks at the gl half empty. My parents and I speak completely different languages. They speak chinese, and i am not even able to speak half of what they speak, but i can understand it. I speak English pretty much 24/7 and I'm an English major. Basically, my parents and I aren't as close as most. A month ago, I went to a formal dance party and my date and his dad picked me up. My date was Caucasian and him and his dad shared a really good conversation in the car, and I just wished I had that kind of relationship with my parents. When my date walked me to the door, i rang the doorbell, and my dad topens the door with his PJ shorts and his hand scratching his stomach! I was utterly disgusted. My dad has bad habits like awkward sitting position at the dinner table, and i find his voice just really annoying. When he answers his phone, he speaks REALLY LOUD. When i say something to him, he asks "what?" and i tell him again and he says"huh?" this cycle happens at least 3 times!! its not even an exaggeration. I find my dad embarrasing most of the time. Is it abnormal? Any advice?

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