Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What piano is better, Petrof or Kawai?

KAWAII. simple answer. The sales people will tell you whatever you need to hear to get you to buy, but they have a maufacturers competition in Europe every year for the best pianos and KAWAII has won the gold medal every year for the past fifteen years (I think). I work as a professional musician, I own two KAWAII grandes. One's at my house, the other at my studio. I also have my diplomas in clical but I work in the rock industry. The weighted keyboard on the Kawaii is PERFECT and it's completely adjustable by a technician so it'll never be a problem! EVER! You didn't mention whether you wanted to buy new or second hand. I'd go second hand if I were you. A new piano takes up to ten years to mature and sound good. And if you buy brand new you have to "Go easy on it" for the first eighteen months until it settles. There's a place in the outer suburbs of Sydney called THE PIANOFORTE that sell really good KAWAIIs cheaper than the ones you quoted above. You could buy a KAWAII concert grande from these people for less than the prices you quoted above for an upright. (NOTE: NEVER BUY A GRANDE PIANO THAT IS LESS THAN SIX FEET IN LENGTH!!!) Baby grandes are toys. They wont stay tuned, they're room decorations for photo frames and vases with flowers in them=don't buy them. Ever! Phone THE PIANOFORTE on Monday and tell them CAT told you to call them (You'll get a discount) And I'll phone them on monday to let them know you're my "Client" and your problems will be solved. (They have uprights too=AUD$5,000+) KAWAII only though or I'll cry. And no, I don't work for either company. All the best with you Amus. Cat.

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