Thursday, August 18, 2011

Would You Want YOUR Children Being Taught in School to Hate and Kill ALL Peoples that are a different belief ?

No, I would not want this, and you are quite correct in your statements. This is what people in those areas are taught, and it is frightening and wrong. It does explain a lot about some of the problems in the world, though, doesn't it?

A song with a lonely childhood feeling?

i need a song that has lyrics that relate to a child that has been either abandoned or unloved during their childhood. it can be about how unhappy they were when they had to go through that..etc.i already have one which is because of you-kelly clarkson. can you guys please help me? TEN POINTS!

Convert my regular fireplace to gas?

well, first, if you have natural gas to the fireplace, then yes, you can install a plain log lighter which is a bar with small holes on the bottom to simply start a wood log on fire- otherwise, there are ceramic fake log kits which come with the works simulating a real nice natural fire. again, most important requirement is a natural gas line at the fireplace itself, choices are endless afterwards - do be sure the vent or flue lining is in tact to avoid any carbon monoxide issues due to a defective vent if you are to use the existing fireplace

Twin paradox.....confusing?

Acceleration has an affect on time. The faster you are traveling the slower the time is but this does not affect our everyday speeds. This is true when you move near speed of light. I mean it is true for our everyday speeds as well but not significantly ... actually let me double check on this... I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THE BOOK IS RIGHT.... but right now i'm working on calculus... so when i have time i'll check it out... and post it back here... post the reason and the explanation.

What type of humour do you find the funniest?

Neither really. I mean, I find most humour funny, but specifically the intelligent stuff. Slapstick and toilet humour isn't very original, even though it can be used in controversial ways. I like observational humour such as George Carlin, because we can all relate to it, but it's stuff we never want to talk about!

Children and Fish Food?

Good call Mrs Crabbs-should the need arise I hope you will be getting a filter for that bathtub & testing the parameters regularly!! :)

I am trying to locate an obiturary and dont have the money or a credit card can anyone tellme where to go?

I am looking for 2 obbituary From my news paper on Timothy L Young , and Calvin curtis craig can any one tell me where I can go and find these with out having to use a credit card or money thanks hope you guys can help

How do I overcome my memories of bullying?

When I was in secondary school I got bullied a lot, in fact they tormented me every day and I was on the brink of commiting suicide. Well, I'm out of school and away from the bullies now but lately I'm worried whenever I go out I might run into them and I keep remembering how they used to bully me, I don't know why but it's really been bothering me. In fact, I'm worried they might be right out my house. How do overcome my fears and memories?

Wat do u think of this situation...?

dont like getting feelings all tied up in this..but it's too late...this girl i was talking to she started a new job and supposedly there making her do all this work so she's way too tired to see she tells me after her training is over we will hang out again..i think its crap but i need more opinions..hlp plz

Have you tried the Marthas Vineyard 21lbs in 21 days detox diet?

Curious if anyone has tried this program, and how it worked for them.. (don't want you detox debaters, just want someone whos actually tried it) This is an all veggie diet, and you don't go hungry..

What Can I Get For Jay Bruce?

go out and get yourself a 1st basemen, teixeira has some good buy low numbers right now and is already starting to heat up

Know any Happy songs?

i know you dont like pop much but you do like a little im guessing should listen to Cobra Starship they are awesome! Hot mess sounds like a fun and happy song by cobra starship listen to it. :)

Are there any good and reputable professional movers in Lansing?

I'm debating upon having professional movers to move my belongings. Entire move is local within the city of Lansing. I'm having problems recruiting people to help me since I've moved around so much and hate asking the same people more than twice to help me move. Now I'm officially going to move into my own apartment and hopefully staying put for awhile. I wondered if anyone knew of a really good and reputable moving company in Lansing? I was thinking about "Quick And Easy Moving LLC," but haven't made up my mind yet.

Where can I get a printable pdf of the Midnight sun (Twilight series) first 12 chapters.?

I have seen it on stephaniemyers site. And I really want to read it. However, if I look at a computer screen too long I get intense headaches, and really want to be able to read the 12 chapters she put on her site. I know that there are people out there who have it, and I would be forever grateful if someone knows a site or could email it to me. Thank you

Are there any NFL Teams other than the Houston Texans who have not made it to the Super Bowl?

Several teams the cleveland browns, the detroit lions, the jacksonville jaguars, the new orlean saints, the arizona cardinals,

Am I being too hard on him?

My long time friend, turned long distanced boyfriend and I have been thinking about getting serious. He lives in D.C. and I live in ATL. Well, he's been trying to find dates workable around his work schedule to fly down here and stay with me for a week. He confirmed the dates he would be coming and said he would start looking for flights to book. Well, this was about 3 weeks ago. He's planning on coming in June. Well, almost every other day since 3 weeks ago, he's always making excuses as to why he doesn't have to "time" to search for a flight. Yet, he stays on myspace and the internet searching and doing things he WANTS to do pertaining to his music etc. He sent me a text this morning asking that I "search for his ticket" and I sternly told him, that wasn't MY responsibility and that he needed to at least show the effort. I have no problem helping him look for one and have already went to and found plenty---it just got under my skin that he couldn't do something that simple....

Where can I watch last nights Brit awards 2010 online?

When I type it into google it just comes up with ways you can watch it live, but as its already finished, I'm just looking for a replay of it. Anyone have any links or anything?

Which name do you like the best?

def. Katie! Its a wonderful name and all the katies I know are so cool! Even thought that has nothing to do with the name but yeah Katie is one of the coolest name!

Little Help New Transmission.?

Ok so check it out here's a few things. I had a 92 700r4 transmission that was in my 92 z28 Camaro 5.0L TPI 25th Anniversary Edition well it ended up burning out so I dropped it and replaced the transmissions. first off a few things. When I pulled the pan to replace the filter and gasket in the new transmission I couldn't seem to keep the filter up due to a band fitting so would that affect me not being able to move secondly is everything is adjust correctly but I am doubting a few things. firstly is whenever I pulled this transmission it came out of what I believe was a 91 chevy astro 4.3l van. It was blood red so I wasn't worried about it not working. I had to swap out the tailshafts and I noticed a slight difference. on my original 700r4 there was a rubber fitting on the rod that my driveshaft ran into. well when I swapped out the driveshafts this astro 4.3l 700r4 did not have that fitting. it seemed almost like a gigantic twizzeler on the rod and the tail house. so am I going to have to interchange those parts or can I get away with it like that. Thirdly is when adjusting the shift linkage on a camaro where is the neutral position located on the actual manual shaft of the 700r4 you can give me like from the drivers side you need to kick it 3 times to the left or that kinda thing because my chiltons doesn't tell you anything like that so I can get the gears right and maybe that will help out alot. I would appreciate any help.

Do you find this humorous?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why are Man Utd fans so far up their backsides?

I understand that everyone is pionate about their football teams but I keep hearing Man Utd fans saying how they can't wait for an all English final between them and either Liverpool or Chelsea. They haven't even played Barcelona yet!

Is an Ivy League school a possibility?

To be honest, I'm surprised you even got a recruiting letter from Cornell. It's the lowest ranked Ivy League school and many people I've known to have done better statistically were rejected. I'm guessing it's the national swimmer ranked and you actually might have a chance. Gj. Klg.

SCHAUB @ INDY or ROMO @ Philly?

play schaub, the giants have not been consistent all year, their good one week but terrible the next. Plus the colts have been good this year so Schaub should be throwing most of the game

I'm going to Colombia on a mission trip through my school. Is it safe for me to go? Do you have any tips?

Bogota, Barranquilla, Santa Marta and Giradot are all safe.. Just dont be stupid. Dont dress flashy. Dont show a lot of cash (Most US ATM cards work there except at servi-banc, which sucks) Dont criticize how hot it is in Giradot.. Instead take a boat ride on the Magdalena.. See the beer company pump its water (Its a nasty gray) into the fabrica. Tons of things to do. Dont be pushy with your religion.

What can I use as a substitute for a neti pot?

I don't have one but have used one before...and I am currently congested. Anything I could find around the house that might substitute it?

Farewell Gift for laid off corworker?

One of my coworkers lost his job this week. He is in late 50's and was with company for more than 15 years. He is very upset about it .We some of his close coworkers are planning for a farewell gift but unsure what to buy. We want to get something more personal than a gift card. Any ideas?

What do the BNP think of Santa Claus?

Santa Claus, or in real life, St. Nicholas, was born in what is now Turkey. He is such an integral part of the British way of life for the BNP, just like St. George who was probably from what is now Italy.

Why is America racist towards blacks but tolerant of filthy racist eastern european immigrants?

Many African Americans are hardworking and have been in this country for generations, yet white americans treat us like trash. They fill the media with disgusting stereotypes about us and treat us like animals, yet they are totally accepting of Eastern European immigrants with no potential just because they are white. Most of these immigrants are illiterate, filthy and racist. Many of them hate blacks more than white americans, yet they are accepted by white america even though they just got off the boat from a communist hell hole. Why is this, white america should be ashamed of itself. You treat blacks like crap,but accept filth from other countries. This is more of a reason for an all black state, so filthy whites can't discriminate

Good idea for a game :)?

they have games like that already out, dead rising 1 and 2, and left 4 dead 1 and 2, so your practically screwed.

Does Jesus Christ himself ever mention a pre-tribulation rapture?

I have read Matthew (23:3-44) Mark (13:3-37) and Luke (21:7-36).. which are the chapters in which Jesus, in his own words, tells his disciples about his second coming. I haven't found ANYTHING about a previous "reunion" or "rapture" before the Antichrist.. or before the tribulation.. and I'm wondering if anyone has read anything from Jesus' own words about a pre-tribulation rapture. Thank you! Blessings.

Medical school...what do you think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

Do I need to cite this in my essay?

i want to use a one sentence statistic from a website, do i need to include it in my works cited page? or can i just refer to the source in the paragraph. like "according to .... " O and this paper needs to be MLA format also.

Rolling Stone?

Where Can I Find Old Issues of Amy Winehouse, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani From Rolling Stone, Or Big Posters Of Them HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Iwant to download a video from youtube...?

Sorry, but on you-tube answer is no! Just you can find some other sites by writing their name in search program!

I am a Yahoo Fantasy Hockey Commissioner.. Should I let this deal go through?

No i would say these to owners are createing an aliances are these two pwners family members by any chance.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Need help Mafia wars help?

i carnt find the 3 items to get in to bangkok it says you need to do certain mission but i carnt find them

Chiense gender predictor...?

Of course, this is just one of the many fun but *not medically proven* ways to predict gender. You are supposed to use the month of conception, so if you had your period in the last 2 weeks of the calendar month, then you should use the next month.

My family keep going through my stuff and taking things. What should I do?

You love your sister I know, but the best thing you can do is to plan to move out. Get a job as soon as you can, retrain if necessary, study for more qualifications if necessary and in the meantime get a lockable cupboard, chest or box to protect your precious items. Your mother takes your sisters side so protect your own stuff as best you can. If you have your own room, get a lock on the door and make sure you use it. Sit your mother down quietly and calmly and explain why this was necessary. No need to fight about it, just look after yourself.

Does Vehical Stability Control and traction control help on compact cars?

the systems are useful. if you accelerate or turn on ice, it does not matter how much power you have, you are going to slide because of the weight of the car. Tires make a huge difference too. It also depends on how hard you drive your car in adverse conditions. I would get the systems.

Getting over being self-conscious?

I have a ton of scars on my stomach, legs, face and feet. One way to make you feel better about yourself would be to go and get you're nails done, that makes me feel better about myself. Secondly when you wake up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say that you are beautiful, as for the weight, you CAN make yourself look good, it's just a matter of finding the right thing to wear. Don't wear clothes with horizonal stripes, don't cover up with baggy sweaters. Try drinking a big gl of water 20 minutes before you begin eating a meal. You will feel full quicker. Don't be afraid to show you're curves, if someone doesn't like you for who you are they're not worth it.

Is it illegal to name a baby "Adolf"?

No, but the child would hate his name, and it would be disrespectful to the people who were killed or were affected by Hitler.

Help me with this story!!?

You might try working the word "knife" into it. This is a coy and creative way of using your "k". Knife in hand, after having freshly killed a rabbit, their father looked up from his work..."

What is this meditation technique?

A friend of mine was telling me about how her father has great interest in Tai Chi and meditation. We were talking one night about it and she said that when her father meditates he said he "releases energy and make the room get all foggy and the walls start to sweat". This seems very unlikely but her family co-signed with her and she is a very trusted friend of mine. I'm really interested in learning this technique and its origins. If there is a specific name for this it would be more than extremely helpful.

Dogs skin tag on eye?

why do you think it will have to be removed? dogs eyes can get swollen from many things, such as something in it to a bee sting to allergies. have you taken it to the vet? i would check with a vet before uming the worse.sometimes we doggy parents get all upset when we do not know whats going on with our babies. please consult a vet before going bonkers,do what i do, it doe not hurt to ask questions to be informed, it only hurts when asking the question could have saved the heartache, the time or even the life of our pets and we do not

May 21st Prophecy?Should I be worried?

Is the May 21st prediction that Harold Camping true or is he just a false prophet?I am a Christian but I always thought that no one knew the time nor hour of the Rapture.Why is every one else freaking out about this?I keep seeing these real time updates about earthquakes that are occurring now in various places like California and Nevada but they are not of great magnitude.Are these signs or are these regular happenings?

Can someone please explain in lay terms the current financial crisis?

What is the current financial/economic crisis about? How did it start? What happened with Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Lehmann Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and AIG? Why is it such an emergency to "fix" it? How will the government bailout help, and why is the bailout so controversial? Whose fault is all this? Are we really on the brink of financial collapse, and if so, what does that actually mean? I'm not an unintelligent person, I just do not understand economics, and if anyone could explain it simply, I would so appreciate it!

Have You noticed there are less answers from Liberals here in the political section of Y/A?

There are less answers from liberals, because so many questions asked by Republicans are repetitive, meaningless, full of lies and liberals aren't wasting their time anymore, dealing with hate, bigotry and the useless Republican machine.

Is change as healthy as food?

Our minds live off of change; if things don't change, we'd go insane right? Change is like food; some foods are bad for you, some good, but the bottom line is that we need a constant supply of it. I'm going to start altering big things in my life, because I think that's what my mind wants. My mind is weary of the same routine. Who's with me?

My BF fantasises about cat fight?

Wow that's creepy. I would tell him, "I really don't think I want to date someone who thinks like that." (good for breaking up OR persuading him to STOPPIT!)

Why do atheists ask Christians " If God " questions ? is that like...?

asking God through His people..without having to actually pray but in your own way seeking wisdom from Him out of curiousity to know the truth ?

If Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama were fighting for a parkin, who would win?

Impossible, Cindy McCain would never be caught in the parking lot of Rev. Wright's church. Besides she is not ghetto either.

To eat it or not to eat it?

a peanut er jelly sammy? i really want one but idk if itll fit in my tummy. haha. should i just go ahead and eat it. i havent had one since like january.

Why wont my Honda prelude start or even turn over?

i took out the starter tested it it works i have also replaced the ground wire. it just wont turn over it has power the battery is fine and the fuel pump is kicking on... i put the started back in and it worked once but now its back to not working. i don't know what is wrong please help.

What was your best moments of 2008?

Going to No mercy and monday night raw the next night. And Ric Flairs last match and his farewell the next night. Edge returning at survior series.And Charlie Haas dressing up as other wrestlers hahaha

A tomboy who wants to be more feminine?

I used to have the same problem. I wanted to be more feminine. I think one thing that will help you is simply growing older and your body starting to acquire its so-called secondary ual characteristics. Go to the library and read some books about fashion or look in some magazines. You will see many androgynous models, being a tomboy can be y also heteroually! In my case, I was not allowed to have long hair as a child and when I grew up at first I did not know how to take care of it, but I learned. Another word of advice, try to act confident and satisfied with the way you are. If they see that their teasing bothers you, it only encourages them to torment you some more. At first you might be only acting, but soon self-acceptance will start feeling natural to you. Good luck!

What did you think of the South Wales derby today? (Cardiff 0-1 Swansea) The biggest match in the world!?

I heard Swansea were very lucky and Cardiff were very unlucky - the way it goes. Cardiff suffered without Jay Bothroyd. Did not see any of the game - cannot comment on Chopra, I am surprised though as he is a good player.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My car stereo system was just stolen!!!!!?

Whatever price you payed for them, that's how much their worth. Or did mommy and daddy pay for your car?

Does Conrad Murray somehow remind you of Dr Julius Hibbert from The Simpsons?

Just been having a Simpsons marathon all day and thought they were kinda similar..anyone else agree?xD

Yamaha blaster knocking noise please help?

hello my Yamaha blaster slightly knock when in a high gear with low rpm but when in a high gear with high rpm never knocks or it doesn't knock when idling its a 2002 model was recently fully rebuilt some of my friends said ignore it it was just rebuilt but a knocking cant be normal any help would be appreciated oh by the way it doesn't happen when im accelerating fast it got a new crank and bearings and piston and rings about 15 hours on them

What kind of career opportunities does "The Pentagon"(DOD) offer to AF Officers?

The military doesn't offer "career opportunities" to officers. We have branches of service in which we specialize. You can go to the official sites and see what career branches are available and which might interest you as an officer.

Christians tell me that I should never, ever talk to unbelievers about hell?

Hell is, indeed, a real place, but fear lessens over time for people, and salvation accepted out of fear loses it's value and importance to the one who accepted it.

Youtube Copyright problem?

To post anyone else's material you should really have their consent in writing. Unless you do no end of disclaimers or references to the owner cover you.

Original Halloween (Michael Myers) off screen picture?

Does anyone know where I can find that picture of Jamie Lee Curtis kissing the guy in the Michael Myers mask? I saw it when I got the Halloween aniversary DVD but I can't find it anywhere on the internet.

Blacks hating whites, why is it called reverse racism/discrimination?

i think those who are using this term should consider abolishing it and should be ashamed because if you call it reverse, it is like saying racism is going a wrong way and the right form of discrimination or racism should be whites hating on blacks. why call it reverse racism?presumably it is because historically whites have discriminated and are known to to be racists against blacks but this is the present. racism is wrong in all forms or whatever direction is going and if we really want to minimise and eventually eradicate it, we should stop using terms like this and concentrate of rooting out all the racists in our societies.

Religious people who are into politics, do you see a pattern?

Yes I have.. anyone who has studied Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation, Isaiah, 2 Peter and reflected on what Christ had to say would ,unless they have been given the spirit of blindness.

Did this happen to you before?

You are probably just confused, and that's normal. I had a similar experience, not quite like that but I always knew I liked boys, and I never liked girls in that way, but I found myself looking at girls and thinking that they're attractive. I think that that is perfectly normal. I know now that I am definitely straight.

How can i search a person up for free? plz this is so very important!?

i even saw your story at ( New? Introduce Yourself!) that you have 4 brothers and and eldest in the family. your really trying to find her. Hope you can find her.

How does a UK Citizen gain a canadian working visa without having a job in canada?

It seems that there is a paradox to the process, you cannot get a working visa until you have a job but emplyers wont look at you unless you have a visa...please help

My Radiology report says "The right hemidiaphragm is slightly elevated anteriorly" is that a concern ?

I've been sick since late December I never break a big fever but I feel awful all the time. Sometimes a Dr will say it is viral and sometimes it is Bronchitis recently a UA came back positive for MRSA then it was almost like they retracted that and made me feel stupid. Then a culture came back positive for Strep then it did not again like with the MRSA. I can't get any of these Dr's to treat me or answer my questions. I am stuck in HMO Hell.

BB: Is Ben the real winner of BB already?

He's had a fair amount of airtime the soirre and the stand up plus the failure to do most tasks has given him plenty - i would miss him if he got the boot , i want some of the dullards next , they've had their time and wasted it Steve ,Rach etc!!

Rate my Pokemon Platinum team?

Your team looks great, I don't think anything needs changing. Now ,if you haven't already done so, you just need to level them up loads. if you have, I would say that you could probably take on some of the stronger trainers online.

Where can I find certain boots?

I want a pair of dark brown, knee high boots. Suede, and kinda slouchy. I want them to be good quality, but they can't be too expensive. Thanks!

Honestly- am i like ugly or something?

Girls who wear as much make up as you don't think they are ugly. Get over yourself. You don't look like any other scene kid though so maybe that's why they don't date you they want someone unique looking. Unsurprisingly enough the girls who want to look the most different are dime a dozen now a days. Maybe your personality is lame?

After 9/11 does it seem that being a bigot or racist is more acceptable?

When I watch T.V. now I am seeing more people telling jokes or talking about topics that was inappropriate before 9/11. Have you notice this or is it just me?

Did you notice Hillary's orange pantsuit?

i hope the supporters of Clintor will be patriotic and intelligent enough to notice this. After what the DNC did to her, only Clinton followers can stop the repeat of this by junking Obama so next time, DNC will think twice before unfairly ganging up against a candidate. America is the land of the brave and free and bastion of democracy - and political affiliation must be set aside for this principle.

Do you think Evolution and Creationism are mutually exclusive?

I've always believed the two work hand in hand. There is (in my opinion) no true evidence that they are mutually exclusive. Many theories, but like the believers they bemoan. Evolutionists are stuck on one theory until it is proved wrong. Then they move on to the next theory.

Are there really teacup versions of dogs?

Like teacup Chihuahuas and teacup Yorkshire Terriers. Are they really any different then regular Chi's and Yorkies?

I have a friend situation....?

ok so this summer my grandma is taking me to europe for my 16th's always been our dream to do this together (and she's a cool granma lol). i was talking about it with my best friend and she gets all jelous and says "omg, ur so do everything" i say, "oh, come on..i mean it would be cool if you came" all the sudden she is asking her parents and bugging me about asking my grandma. (i didnt realize she would blow this up and ume she was coming, she's very pushy and obsessive) so i do, and my gma says its fine but i dont know if i want her to come cause i want it to be special between my grandma and i....but i dont want it to ruin our friendship...she keeps presuring me and yelling out dates she cant make it....i'm a nervous person and i dont know what to do!!! please help, but dont tell me something i already know like "you'll have fun either way"...thanks :)

Robotics:how to get perfect 90 deg turns and prevent wobbling of bot?

i made a line follower robot but it doesnt run perfectly. it moves out of the line for no reason? is it because of imperfect coding?

Core 2 Quad vs Core 2 Duo - future proof for gamers?

quad is better. it means that you can run 4 programs at the same time without your computer being slow, duo means only 2, which isnt that many.

Looking for people with side effects of Lupron?

I took the Lupron treatment for one year straight from Aug '06 to Aug '07. For severe endometriosis. I have now been diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa - HS. This a chronic and very painful and embaring skin disease. I also have these: memory loss, no concentration, IBS, brittle teeth, joint pain, acne, depression, severe weight gain, and as of Apr '08 I am still in a menopause state. My MANY Dr.'s that I've been through downplay my symptoms and I've found no relief or anyone to talk to. Apparently there doesn't seem to be a good treatment for HS either. Anyone have similar problems and know where to go for help?

For those who say that evolution is statistically impossible.?

What creationists such as the Discovery Institute say is that it is statistically impossible for RNA to form directly from amino acids. Which is probably correct. The first metabolic molecules were much simpler than RNA; RNA came along fairly late in the game. So the creationists are technically correct, it's just that the point they are correct in is utterly irrelevant to the actual mechanisms of abiogenesis. Abiogenesis itself is not statistically impossible or even improbable; under some conditions it may even be inevitable.

Whats this song called?

i think it's a song by drake. I remember hearing him mention HD in one of his songs. Not 100% sure though.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Do you think people on this website overrate Larry Fitzgerald as a wide receiver?

It depends on who your talking to. He definitely deserves to be on the cover of Madden 10 (weird because I normally say 0 something) but he is a little over rated. I saw him in a few games during the reg. season and he was good, but in my opinion became great in the playoffs. All in all he deserves all the credit that his thrown his way.

Easy Q: How do I connect this electronic part? Please help?

I'm not completely certain as to these specific parts, but it appears to be a piezo buzzer. What you need to do is give it a frequency to buzz at. You're applying a DC source with the battery which has no frequency. The buzzer needs an AC source. Note: this is also apparent from the voltage rating on the buzzer "3 Vp-p"

De novo one molecule of IMP?

How many ATP equivalents are required to synthesize de novo one molecule of IMP, starting from ribose-5-phosphate? ume that all necessary precursors in the pathway are present

Will all these get me a scholarship ?

I am an international students and i will be applying for an admission for computer science to the university of southern california (USC), I scored 1900 in my SAT and a minimum of 3.0 GPA, I participated in many of my high school sporting activities like athletics,dancing,debating and i have held the leading post in all of them of which I have an evidence for all these on request. Will all these get me a scholarship (even partial) all are there any other uni in the u.s that will offer me any scholarship ?

Is unrestrained capitalism the dream of the elites and the vehicle to totalitarian government?

Not really because unrestrained capitalism would mean competition. They need government interference to make sure they can keep competition away and bully 3rd world governments. Free market capitalism is the enemy of the biggest corporations which is why you'll never see them donating to libertarian candidates or people like Ron Paul.

Shiping clothes from Bangkok to the USA?

Just mail it surface mail from the Thailand Post. It the cheapest and should take about 60 days to get to the USA. I did this once from the USA to here and it arrived about 50 days later no problems.

Why isn't my radiator in the basement working?

you 100% positive that you have run the pipes correctly? one TO the boiler nd the other FROM the boiler. does the system not already have a circulator? is it gravity fed?

How to raise our soft palate in order to reach high pitch?

Firstly is that a right approach? Regardless of any vowels u need to raise up your soft-palate upon obtaining the high pitch? But tell me, how to? Besides raising up your eye-brows. Anything to imagine,? Just wondering.

Where can i get Rudy + Blitz discography?

Does anyone know where i can download the rudy and blitz a torrent or something..PLEASE HELP!!

When did Consort Song of the Han Dynasty die?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a says both the elder and younger Consorts Song took poison in 82 C.E. rather than wait for court intrigue to take a more gory path. But I can't find a reference to what date, or even rough time of the year, this happened. (I'm writing a time travel story and I want to get the details at least reasonably right.)

Additional Shakespeare Scene?

We have to write an additional scene for Macbeth for English. I have no idea what my scene would be about - any ideas will be appreciated!


Perhaps if you spent as much time studying in your high school cles as you do using that vivid imagination of yours, YOU might be President some day too.

Two lost people?

Should Carmen Sandiago from, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago, and Waldo from, Where's Waldo, hook up? I think they have so much in common

Whats ur favorite rides @ dutch wonderland and hershey park?

give at least 10 of ur favorite rides @ hershey and dutch wonderland.... AT LEAST 10 (OR MORE) RIDES in ur answer if u have over 10 rides for each place u will get best answer!!!! thanx!!!!

I have a question about bitter apple in realtion to cats?

i just read an answewr someone gave to a question about cats pee on couches. anyway one of the things they suggested was to spray bitter apple to stop cats from reoffending. i was wondering is this because they dont like the smell? does it smell bad to them? worse, will it smell bad to me? most of those stay of sprays smell like burnt rubber and end up keeping me away and not the cats. why don't these companies make a strong citrus scent stay off spray as cats are supposed to not like the smell of citrus. i think all of my cats have sinus issues as nothing deters them. i could be walking around in a gas mask because of the spray stench and they will be rubbing around the stuff that is supposed to be keeping them away. anyway i like the idea of bitter apple, but i thought it sounded more like a taste issue thing than a smell thing? you know "bitter". i dont want to waste my money if the smellof it wont keep the cats away.

Any advice on getting a 3 yr old w/a canker sore on tongue to eat/drink?

My 3 yr old granddaughter has a canker sore on her tongue. Also has slight tonsilitis. The Dr gave her Nyastatin for canker sore and Amoxil for tonsilitis but she is still complaining of pain. Giving Motrin also. She wont eat/drink very much at all saying it hurts. Realize she needs nourishment. Am very worried. Any advice?

A good bible verse from the king james version describing the lords power over the devils power?

i have a many of tattoo on my chest of dark and evil and alot of tattoos on my back of faith and prosperity y because even though i put off a front and try to look like i dont care sometimes, it doesn't mean i am not a religious person i strongly believe in the word of the lord but i want a scripture that will deeply describe the feeling i have of saying even know i seem dark and evil, even kno i may act like some1 i am not i still believe in the lord and his many blessings. thank you any1 who will help, ur time and thought is greatly appreciated

Why can't new young talent sign with a good agent?

because people are stupid and try to make people's lives difficult. i would suggest you move to LA or something. try out for school plays, contact a talent scout or something. yeah its pretty difficult

What is the Song PDA by Interpol about? *its on rockband2*?

SUP! My sis' fave song on rock band 2 is PDA BY INTERPOL and i like it too. it has a sentece in it and i do NOT no what it means: Sleep Tight, Grim Rite, We have to hundred couches where you Sleep Tight.... And i DO NOT know what this song is about PLEASE HELP???!!!

"For the greater good"?

Is this phrase a harbinger of things to come as Liberals use it to describe their wealth seizure plans, didn't Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Il Jong and Chavez all use this phrase to eliminate freedoms?

Do you think the oil ministers in the middle east are raising oil prices so high it will tumble our economy?

By raising oil so high wouldn't our economy tumble and all them middle eastern terorist could just walk in and take over our country without sheding one once of blood, or can we be smarter then that,and try to find a way to not be so dependent on foreingn oil. Also are these canidates that are running for president who ever win will they stop that from happening or are we in trouble. I not sure either one of the canidates have what it takeas to protect us from what ever comes along, and some foreign dictatorship will take over this country and we will be in trouble.

Here is why I don't believe Gail Cooper (new witness - Madeleine)?

It all seems such a sham and a waste of everybody's time. Kids will go swimming in ANY weather 'just to be different' - but that bloke in the fantasy picture will have tidied himself up straight away (uming he ever existed in the first place!) so he wouldn't be recognisable now even if he walked around with a label round his neck "It was ME!" ! ! !

What is Indy music..........?

There is a lot of history to the origin of indie music. Mostly a struggle for independents against major monopolies ended in independents emerging with new underground sounds. Indy is a shorten formed of independents. There is no real form of indie but generally ociated with underground such as punk or grunge. Today the internet has opened the opportunity for the independent artist to share his music with the world without being subjected to the judgment of a company thus cirventing Payola which was deemed falsely nonexistent after exposure many years ago. It continued none the less. Jute box companies and radio stations would accept fees to promote your music. If you didn't have a sponsor or money no one was going to hear you. Access to the music world has changed so much it is difficult for musicians to get revenue for their creations. However a small percentage of the revenue that came in for the musician was from the sale of the records. So now the artist must rely entirely on personal appearances due to theft of services via the internet.

What do you think of this song that i wrote?

OH MY GOSH!!!! thats really goood! no joke!! holy crap your goood. i just hope your a good singer too haha =] keep writing songs

Your personal favourite Indiana Jones movie ?

I like all of the ones that I've seen so far. My fav is the one where the guys face melts. *shivers* Ooh! I LOVE that scene!

What if Mann really did thoroughly screw up the “Hockey Stick”[1] graph?

There is no question that he did misuse the data to produce the hockey stick graph. It is pathetic to suggest that rational people should discount the obvious history record and trust anything that is contrary to it. They had to revise the history because it was obvious that we aren't in any warming that is out of the ordinary. Lamb's data is obviously flawed if it contradicts history. Why do you think they lied and hid the raw data from review? It wasn't because it backed up their fairytale.

How old before i'm too old to join the army?

Im sorry Im just answer the TOPIC question, dont feel like reading more. So the age for the airforce is 30. for the army it may be different. maybe like 26.. However things change CONSTANTLY. so its best to visit your local army recruiters office for more important questions. heck if you dont even feel like doing that just use the phone book or online to find your nearest recruiter and call them

Does my new boss fancy me...i'm hopelessly in love?

I'm 31. I'm in good shape for my age, I've done some part time modelling and i work out. I started working for a very colourful character. He is 56 and well, basically a big hit with woman. He is extremely wealthy. He has 3 divorces behind him and a current long term partner. He has a total of 5 children, one as old as me from first marriage.I'm basically hopelessly in love with him. I work in the office with him and there is defnite chemistry. Basically i had to go back to the office late last night. I had no way in so i buzzed in. Surprisingly he asnwered door and let me in. When i said ' i wasnt expecting you to answer', he said 'i knew there was very pretty woman at the door'. Its all furitive glances and 2 days ago in the corridor, i met him and he let his folder drop and all his papers flew all over the floor. To that he said 'now look what you made me do, you made me do that you know'. I know you will say i'm an ediot but the guys on you think he fancies me?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What would be some things to look for when buying a used rebuilt engine?

I have my eye on a rebuilt 89 prelude si engine, some of the outside is rusty and wanted some pointers on what to look for, so i wont get ripped off. could you help me?....please??...


So we kinda cuddle/snuggle during movies at our friends house. We have never kissed yet and aren't going out..yet. He usually has his arm around my waist and we hold hands in the front. or he has his arms around me in the front of me. what can i do to make him feel snuggled and maybe even turned on??

Arguments On Why We Should & Shouldnt Have A Royal Monarchy In The UK?

Hiya guys. I really need help with my homework! Can you guys provide me with some arguments on why we should & shouldnt have a royal monarchy in the UK? Please try to make your thoughts and ideas as simple as you can, so I can actually understand them! I have searched questions like these before and all of them are way too complicated to understand. If you could provide me with any websites or links (That Are Simple Enough For Me To Understand), Then that would be great. Please dont be rude, and thanks for your help! And please try to be as quick as you can. xXx

Handwriting the bible?

How long do you think or know it would to handwrite the bible inculding everything and illuminated mcripted at the beginning of every book?

I am married. Does my single friend fancy me?

We call/text once a week. I live in US he's in the UK. Calls are platonic but I wonder why a single guy would bother with long distance friendship. Most of my male friends are married. I can tell if American men are interested in , but this british guy is a tough call. We only met one time while on vacation and have been friends for 6 months. I am attractive and fit if that matters. Husband knows about friendship and doesn't care.

What would you do if you found out the guy you have been sleeping with for months has a gf?

Why do you have to tell her or speak about it with him. I know it's difficult but you will have to forget for a moment that you are in love with him, open your eyes and see that he is a complete douche. She sounds like one too. Wash your hands of them.

What do the books in the novel 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' have in common?

In general, they all have an outsider in them, or someone who is unique. Obviously, Salinger's Holden Caulfield is the ultimate misunderstood outsider teen, and Fitzgerald's Gatsby was always trying to fit into a certain world. On the Road is about Kerouac's "against the grain" ways, and then in Hamlet, everyone thinks he's crazy. You can go through this for all the works listed in some way :)

High school chemistry help?

Labratories order hydrochloric acid as a concentrated solution (36% w/v). What initial volume of concentrated labratory hydrochloric acid should be diluted to prepare 5L of 0.12 mol/L solution for an experiment? Show all calculations.

How to Test Aquarium Water pH level without testing kit ?

i mean to say it is very costly to buy a water pH test kit in india around 10 $ ! is there any alternate way to test the water ? like pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrates, Phosphate, ???

Who else gets annoyed..........?

when kids come on here and ask you basically to do there homework for your book and study jack!!! can I get an Amen?

Another collision problem?

Kinetic energy is not conserved in the collision (the cars stick together, so it's not elastic). However, momentum is conserved.

I just bought figs and it looks like there is some white fuzz(mold) on it.?

Should I just wash the stuff off, kinda resembles clouds, or peel that part off of the fruit. Or should I just throw the whole container out?

Whats the name of this movie?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Install nvidia graphics card?

ok i have a HP Pavilion Elite d5200t ATX with 460 watts power supply, can i run a nvidia gtx 260 or ati 4870, and which is better thanks?

Which Turn Do YOu Think Will Be Better CM Punk's Heel Turn Or Edge's Face Turn?

Wondering? I Think Punk's Heel Turn Cause He Was A Great Heel In His Indy Days. And For Some Reason His Character Suits Him Better As A Heel. But I Think Edge's Face Turn Will Be Good? But I Don't Want Him To Become Those Clean Faces. Let Him Be Like Taker Type Of Face, Doesn't Give A Damn About Anybody? Thoughts?

How to dye fabric with tea?

I have an old burlap sack that I am wanting to incorporate into a quilt top, but it is stained, so I was thinking that if I tea-dyed it, it might mask the stains a bit. I read several how-to articles online, but the one thing I am confused on is how long you should leave the fabric in the tea? Most said "until you achieve the color you want", but approximately how long does that take, are we talking minutes or hours? Please help?

Help! Animal Farm essay! I need to answer a question about the dangers of dictatorship and ignorance!!?

The question goes like this: Animal Farm warns us of the dangers of dictatorship as displayed by the pigs as well as the dangers of ignorance as shown by the animals.In what ways is this true in the story? Explain with two instances of dictatorship and two examples of ignorance as seen in the text.Support with evidence from text. Please help ASAP

What's the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?

There are actually a lot of difference, look at the website I posted in my source for more details. But the family genes are different, different shapes of the heads and living conditions as well as location of the glands..

Thinking about seperating from husband. An ex has been in touch. Is it so wrong to want to be happy again?

I already knew this is what you were thinking. The way you talk to everyone else and ignore me or snap out at the least little thing. The disrespect, the disappearance of . Nothing I do is right for you. Anything, everything, and nothing, is always the wrong thing. So go back to your ex and find out why he is your ex all over again.. So just say it and be done with it already..

Is there anywhere online where I could get free paint by numbers?

I love paint by numbers and really want a wolf one but can't seem to find any where online where I can get free printable paint by numbers.

School Cheering Section Name?

I want to make a cheering section for my school basketball team. But i dont no wat to call it. out mascot is a colonial. any ideas?

Kitten toilet problem?

ive 2 14 week old kittens and 1 of them keeps weeing in my hall and on my bed. Iv taken up the carpet and scrubed the floor and carpet before putting it back down(i rent the house) which didnt deter him. And iv used vinegar,aftershave,bio detergent + vodka but nothing works on the bed eitha. Ive used xanto stain and odor remover thats supposed to stop them but didnt also. They both use the litter but pegasus still wees on the floor and bed can anyone help me to stop it or explain why its happening?

I Need Help With My Boyfriend?

My boyfriend has a business trip at the end of this month, its for a week, he is stayin in a hotel 2 bed apartment, but my problem is that there will be 2 other guys and a promo chick, she is paid to wear next to nothing and to be a flirt and tart. She is staying with them for 4 nights. He has to attend a moto expo and one of the guys, that is staying with him, only hired her for his benefit! I need some advice.. i trust him but we're only young and i wouldn't be too surprised i something did happen... We do have a child together, we have been fighting about it a little, but i just dont like the situation.. What can i do? Help me though this please!!!

What has happened to my confidence, trust and belief?

you're thinking too much! if that's your real self, it's somewhere inside you... just search inside you and when you find what you lost, release it again! nothing can be lost...

Why can't I buy non alcoholic wine?

I live in IL and I have been trying to find and buy a non alcoholic wine called Ariel. I am 18 years old. I had called the Legal department of the Illinois Liquor Commission and they told me I should be able to buy it since anything with less than 0.5% alcohol is not considered liquor. But the few stores I found it at tell me I can't buy it. What can I do?

Does this website sell real ugg boots?

i found this website, it looks professional and the pictures of the uggs seem real but they seem a bit too cheap...has anyone ever order boots from here? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which do you think I should do??

My friends are playing in an orchestra concert at my school 2morrow night. I want to play with them, because they need a flute, (It is a trio...Quartet if I'm there) and I already told them that I would be there. I got out of my 1st and fourth period today practicing and learning the music we would be playing. BUT: I really like this guy that works at my local movie theater, and I had plans to go to the movies with my friend so we could see him. I don't know when the next time I'm gonna be able to see him, or do something with my friend is. I really, really want to go see this guy, but I don't want to lat my other friends down because i already said that i would be there.....But i also told my other friend that i would go with her to the movies. Which should I do??

Sunni Muslim, Sahih Muslim, and Shia Muslim, etc...are they all the same or different??

If they are all DIFFERENT can you tell me what the differences are? I was accused of slandering the Sunni Muslims, but I thought that there was only ONE Islam and not sects. Can you help me out?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I feel really used by the male population, and I've never even slept with any of them?

This is how the media portrays its characters, and all this rubbish gets fixated into our minds. Unlimited wealth, getting all the women, stereotypes on women, etc. This is the new society, and that is what's fixated on most guys' heads. I, on the other hand, can say the same exact thing you propose. Most girls are pregnant in the surrounding cities (3rd highest), so this new mindset develops. Where are the intelligent sophisticated women, who can share an endless conversation with you? How about endless friendships that are not temporary? We all want perfection, but in reality you can just aim for it. You're learning a lot during your experiences now with guys, and this will help you find good friends in the future who won't use you. I know exactly how you feel, cheer up! =]

How do I convince my mom to let me go to California this summer?

Mother's almost always know what is best. I'm sure if she told you no not this year then she had a good reason to say "no". She would not let yours sister do something then tell you you can't go unless there was a reason for her to tell you that. So trust her

Can someone help me with this problem? thank you?

A diffraction grating with 620 lines per mm is illuminated with light of wavelength 510 . A very wide viewing screen is 2.1 behind the gratingWhat is the distance between the two fringes? How many bright fringes can be seen on the screen?

What are some books on posing techniques for models?

Hi, I want to be a model. I am 5'7, living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Are there any books on the internet on how to pose as a male model? I have read books like photographers guide, but I need a book aimed at the novice beginner models, to learn techniques of posing.

HELP!! i need a good pick-me-up or energy boost.?

Go to the gym for at least 15 minutes. Studies show it improves your mood and gives you a boost of energy.

Multimeter ... ELECTRONICS?

Ohms law will help you with some of them. Voltage (volts)= Current (amps) x Resistance (ohms) and Power (watts) = Current x Voltage. Hope that helps, this site might help you also.

Where should I go next?

Wrigley Field is a "Clic Park" than everyone should visit in their lifetime. I also highly recommend Coors Field, Rock Pile ticket are only $4.00. My favorite park though is Kauffman in Kansas City. This is the park I grew up attending games in, so I am a little biased. I'm curious to see how it looks after they complete the renovation.

Someone reply my question, but how i can reply back? no reply on?

and i still cannot resolve my question before that..... please somebody help. i seldom use yahoo, but i got problem and i dont get any solution on the spot.. also want to know how to sort my email from sender..

Bite? i am in pain and confused.?

Go to your DR, thing with your eye probably not related but if you have pus (which by the way you should have left well alone an anti histamine cream or tablet would have reduced all that) and pain and pain in your eye go to your GP to have it looked at, that is why we pay NI contributions after all.

How would you experimentally compare the hydrogen bonds of ethanol and glycerol?

In other words, how would you prove, using an experiment, that glycerol should have stronger hydrogen bonds than ethanol.

BB9UK... Custard Tart-gate gets curiouser and curiouser, so does anyone know who really ate the lot?

BB should keep ALL biscuits under lock & key so we aren't subjected to Mario & Lisa's antics with them!!! EUGH! They are enough to put anyone off dunking a biscuit ever again!!! Hope Mario is up for eviction soon........I have to shut my eyes & block my ears whenever him & Lisa are on screen & my hubby has to let me know when they're offscreen!! lol. He will be scarred for life having to watch them, mind you he shuts his eyes too coz they both gross him out!

Why did teen pregnancy and disease rates in the U.S. rise so sharply during the Bush years?

But nothing is Obama's fault!! libs can't defend their messiah but rather post bs!! Oh the answer is personal responsibility not the prez ace!! Try learning in summer school instead of the free lunches!!

I have just found out that I have oral . im disgusted. how can i prevent ping it on?

Im so annoyed over this as ive never had , and i rarely ever snog people, just over 3 weeks ago i snogged two guys.. i reckon thats what happend, they clearly had no coldsores but anyways wether it was them or not i still have them. Im wondering how i can prevent ping them on, im only 15 so have a life ahead of me, can i ever have oral ?or snog people? Im to afraid of ping them on and being known as "the one who gave me " its absolutely disgusting and so painful, I nearly burst into tears when the doctor told me, and can't bear to tell my friends as i know how they work.. they'll be like ewww and wil feel awkard whilst around me. please help, ive read up about them on some websites but im still not satisfied, can any1 that has been in my position tell me about them and what happens when they snog people?? etc thanks a million

Who do you think will win American Idol: Kris or Adam?

I'm rooting for Adam, I love him so much. But I'm thinking that maybe him coming in as a runner-up would be better because if he wins he'll be tied down to the AI contract and that wouldn't be good for him. Besides, 99% of the time the runner-up does better than the actual winner. I just want Adam to be successful, that's all. =)

Should I replace my polybutylene pipes?

My house and (presumably) the pipes are 25 years old, I've been in it for 4. I recently had a pipe fail by the water heater, but it split sideways, and in the section that was removed for the repair there is no sign of interior corrosion. We did however find that water was entering the house at over 100 psi, the rating for pb, which has been addressed. Could that have been the cause for the failure? Most conventional wisdom is to replace pb but most of said wisdom is provided by repipe folks. Around here some people replace it but it's still in tons of houses. Also, since the crawlspace insulation has been removed due to all the water that came out the split pipe, will we save money doing it before the insulation is replaced? We need to replace it soon before it gets cold. Has it served out a reasonable lifetime anyway? Does anyone know of an unbiased/scientific source of pb repipe info?

Doc found small dot size 5mm on my pelvis using ultra scan.But urine test is negative. Am I pregnant ?

I scan last 3 weeks where found 1 small dot size 5mm. Doc consider me pregnant. But the result is negative on urine tester. 3 weeks later, i try again but still show negative. Am I pregnant or not ?

How BIG were the GUNS of NAVARONE?

I watched the movie last week and I think it was the 5t of 6th time I have seen it. I think by comparing the projectile size vs. the size of the handlers when the handlers load it to the gun breech I would say it's a 16'' gun, like the 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 gun of the Iowa cl US battleships.

Proposition 3.15?

Draw a picture of two perpendicular lines. Lable two of the adjacent angles 1 and 2. Also show that one of the angles is a right angle. Since angle 1 and 2 are adjacent, they are supplementary. That means they = 180 degrees. If one of the angles is a right angle it equals 90 degrees, therefor by the subtraction property the other angle must equal 90 degrees and would also be a right angle by definition of a right angle.

When do babies start putting a pacifier in their mouth by themselves?

My daughter is 5 and a half months old. She learned to grab her pacifier from me if I held in front of her when she turned 5 months. Now, actually I just noticed it last night, that if she spits it out while she's asleep and wakes up she'll rub her hand around on the bed trying to find it. If it is within reach she'll put it back in her mouth. but most of the time I have to do it for her because she cant find it or she'll try to put it in backwards.

What book is "Pardon Mrs Harden there's a fairy in your garden" in?

I may have the above quote all wrong. But I think that it is in a children picture story book of some sort, and am wanting to find that book. If you can help in any way that would be really great!

Which music software should I use to mix a recorded live gig?

I recently played a charity gig which someone recorder on a mobile phone. The quality was surprisingly good so I would like to see if I can get a reasonable CD together for a few of the people that attended. I'd like to reduce some of the background noise and play about with the instrument levels. Doesn't have to be particularly professional, just want to tart it up a bit! Any suggestions?

I want to lose weight?

I'm about 238. Is it reasonable to be around 200 before school starts next fall? I'm going to diet and drink ONLY water/milk, the only exception is when I go to the theater and get pop and popcorn, but I'll probably only see Narnia and Dark Knight. I'm going to get a membership to the gym too. Also, gas is expected to be 4.00 a gallon, and is already 3.59 here, so I'm going to walk or ride my bike everywhere, except to work because it's 20 miles away. If i keep up with this, can I be around 200 before school starts in Mid-August? also, feel free to give me ANY tips!

How was Nixon's paranoia put into action?

Nixon believed his enemies were out to get him. He was right, they got him. I don't call that "paranoia."

As a divorced man or woman and you are talking to someone 15 yrs younger?

I am talking to this guy who is divorced and he is 40 and I am 25. He has three kids..a son that is 19 and two daughters who are 17 and 9. When dating someone so close to age as your oldest do you put into consideration the feelings of your kids? And for me being the 15 yr younger person should I be weary that if things get serious between me and this guy that his kids are not going to like me?

RNC Chants Drill Baby Drill?

Did Rudy really start a Drill Baby Drill Chant in the crowd? What a disgrace! We can see clearly what the Republicans want.

Who else credits John McCain for acknowledging that Obama is a decent person & fellow citizen?

I don't, it's the negativity that he is promoting. He has been criticized for it and now he is back stepping to save his ***, because the GOP is disgusted with him doing so. It's BS.

Flat iron help, please?

Chis are amazing. The originals don't have heat settings, but it wont fry your hair I promise. If you really want a heat setting get the digital CHIs. they have heat settings.

Where can I find the cross stitch sampler starting with Clocks Crocks Ladderback chairs?

This was in a book many years ago maybe 15 and I lost it in a move and never got to stitch it would like to still do it but have not been able to find it at the library or on ebay don't remember the name of the book just that it was one of the projects

Is there even one good reason why the US should support Zelaya?

The ousted president who wanted to overturn the Constitution of Honduras and turn it into his own dictatorship?

We speak with emotion but write with intellect? Express your selves.?

Vijay Tendulkar noted writer (Marathi) had said that "There should have been a weapon in my hand instead of pen" this was said around 10 years back when he was 80. In his interview he said that I still stick to my words and also said that When I sit to right a novel or play I am tatally a different person. I will not use those words in my writing. I feel desperate, seeing few of such people after doing all those hollowcast are still living a good life with out any repentance...

Could you please pyschoyze this person's mental health for me ?

I have also come across such characters in my life. It is very difficult. Our mood will get spoiled. It is better that we concentrate on our own areas. I believe fully whatever you have stated though it is long. Other than prayer nothing can be done by humans like us. I do not know why it happens in only few selected families. It is not in every house. It may be one in lakh or so.

There not eating it!?

so i feed my goldfish (its a normal one like the first fish that comes up when u say goldfish) tetra goldfish flakes. i see them gobbling and chewing but they are unable to swallow it. There food comes back out in little bits?

What Are Ohmic Conductors?

An Ohmic conductor's resistance does not change with varying current. Non-ohmic conductors include semi-conductor components such as light emitting diodes whose resistance varies with different current because the voltage drop across them stays the same (approx 2 volts across most LEDs).

Friday, August 12, 2011

I know this is terrible, but I am getting desperate.?

Hope your Mom doesn't check this site and find out you are trying to get a hold of someone else's work. You will probably get grounded for life.

Is there a a350 with a virtual pit for fsx? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!?

i have been looking for an airbus a350 freeware download for ages with a virtual pit and i cant seem to find one. If you know any that would be awesome. i dont care about sounds or anything :) so just a vc would be good

Does anyone truly believe that Heath Ledger died because of his role as the Joker?

was Jack Nicholson's warning legit? can a psychotic character like the joker take over an actor, or is it just like any other role?

Why can't I download the Shiny Suicune from the Legendary Trio event to my Soulsilver?

Try unplugging your router and plugging it back in. Also try establishing the connection on the DS again by going to the wifi settings when you first start up your pokemon game. It's likely a connection problem since you were able to get entei and raikou just fine.

Benoit's Text messages?

One of them said ''garage side door is open'' was he in shock, or just not mentally stable a had know clue what was happening. Could it have been a break in and he hung himself because he was depressed that his family was killed?

Does the ongoing activity in Japan put Cascadia in more imminent danger?

I've heard and read that devastating quakes and tsunamis in the region are already expected within the next fifty years, at most. But are we now looking at a change of that timetable??

Positive? Or Evap. line?

I am going out of my mind, losing what sanity I have left trying to decide whether this is finally our BFP or a dreaded evaporation line. I am now 9 days late for my period. I tested the day of, and the day after my missed period, both with very clear negative results. I figured I should wait about a week and test again. I tested this evening, around 6pm, and at first glance, I saw a negative, but on my double take, I saw a very faint, blue line. I thought I was insane, but my husband sees it as well. It showed up before the allotted time limit, so I figured it may be a VERY faint BFP as evap. lines usually show up after the test dries out. Is it possible that this is our month? Or can evap. lines show up that quickly? I don't know, I've heard a line is a positive no matter how faint, but I'm so afraid of getting my hopes up :/

Non-itchy, non-spreading, light pink rash on chest. what is it?

I've about given up hope for figuring out what this is so this is a shot in the dark but I have a rash between my that doesn't itch and hasn't "spread". It seems to kinda move but remains in the same area. It doesn't hurt, it's blotchy, pretty light compared to what I consider a rash to be, and irregularly shaped. It's a little flaky when it's dry before I put lotion on it and it is very slightly raised. I got it last summer (2008) and it went away at the end of summer. I've had it since about April. I've tried keeping it dry and I've tried keeping it moist. I've tried changing my shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash, laundry detergent. I eat healthy foods; fruits & veggies, no refined sugars, no sodas, very few processed foods and my diet hasn't changed for the last 2 years. My doctor says it's probably just allergies but I'm not buying that anymore. It hasn't gone away yet this year. It hasn't spread anywhere else on my body and it doesn't physically bother me at all. Any suggestions?

When is New MCR album out!?

They haven't set an exact date yet, but they've said it's coming out by the end of this year. They're in the studio and writing songs at the moment. Gerard has said it's going to "rock hard" and it's going to sound almost like a live album. He says things about it all the time on Twitter (a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why is it that....?

I dislike all racism I don't care who the perpretator is. Some of the extreme black people are also trolling(They are racist whites in disguise). Everyone will get picked on, they just have to learn how to deal with it.

I've been soooo horny lately !?!?!?!?

Your a teenager... happens to everyone.. hormones are raging and your growing up. Just don't try to grow up too fast.

Where can I buy Pink Toronto Maple Leaf Fabric and/or Harley Davidson Fabric?

I have a little business where I make baby quilts and blankets and have had custom order requests for Pink TML flannel and a separate one for Harley Davidson. Thanks for taking the time to help.

Please easy question?

I am still learning english so I did not understand when we need use Vowel? I get confused sometimes and do some so much mistakes

What is the symbolic signifigance of all the windows and light in the house?

I'm reading anthem by Ayn Rand for honors English. This is one of the questions I have to answer. It is from chapter 10. Please help.

Felling ill on the pill?shall i carry on taking a new one?please help!?

last month i didn't use contraception, and then i thankfully come on my period, and i started taking yasmin, a couple of days later i don't know if it was the pill or just a little virus but i had really bad head aches, i went to the doctor and he said he thinks its the pill so said to come off it, and then gave me cliest he told me to that within three days or the first day i start bleeding i haven't started bleeding yet which i think is because i literally come off my period about four days ago!however im going on holiday next week and i don't want to start taking cliest incase i get the same side effects, so im thinking about not taking it till next month when i start my period as normal and in the mean time not have . what advice would you recommend?

What do u say to a sudan guy when your in there country and they keep on askin u to go with them?

When ur walkin along and a guy comes up to u and u don't kno if he bad or good and he asking you to come chill with him and he saids things like oh I'm a good guy and I'm not trouble in north sudan?? What do u say?? Do u say yes or no??

I've met this girl in Durham and I live in stoke ?

This was on facebook, she's a really nice girl I just wanted to know if anyone has been in a similar position to me and if it worked or not

Are they real friends?

Today after i finished playing soccer, i walked outside and then my friends just started laughing at me and then i felt really sad, it turns out that my hair was retarded, i got so angry, and after that my other 'friend' is so stuck up (Peta), she keeps on saying i'm gonna bash this person and so on, but she gets freaked out because the teacher took her book, and she thinks she's so cool because she listens to rock music and screamo and stuff, and she over exaggerates stuff, like she says she punched someone in the face, and it turns out she only slightly tapped their face. i hate it when people are fake, and my other friend Jess, she keeps on playing me and my other friend Christina, Like i'm really good friends with Christina but sometimes Jess says that she hates Christina (they're kinda best friends) then the next minute she's all Christina is my best friend and all that, Christina's really cool majority of the time, but i think that she and Jess are bitching about me. I think. I really want to move schools, but i cant, not enough money, i'm doing really well in my studies, and i want to keep it that way. sometimes i seriously dread going to school just because of people who claim to be my 'friends' I don't fit it anywhere else, i can't take what Jess and Christina are doing, Peta as well. i can't take it, i don't know what to do, please help me!

Vailant Boiler error codes?

I have an Ecotec-plus boiler and it has an error code f 75 coming up and then gradually fading away. I have no hot water or heating any ideas please?

If you could create a horror monster or creature?

I would create the most hideous of all creatures by giving it the desire to control every other creature that exists. It would feel superior to all other life forces and kill anyone or anything in its path to total control. It would have the knowledge to build insidious evil destructive devices and use them when others oppose it. It would , murder, and do many other evil and destructive things all in the name of peace and truth never allowing you to see the truth of its evil. Always lying and creating illusions that lead you to believe it is a superior being to everyone else that exists. It would have many faces and only show the one that is most useful and needed at any given moment as to retain its power and control. Oh.....wait a minute......I think that that creature already exists......I think they are called "Politicians".

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Twelve innocent "friendly fire" deaths in Afghanistan, is this just the price of war?

Tragic as this is, in war. all is fair, sometimes things happen. i don't think it was so much incompetence as it was a faulty guidance system. once the rockets are air born they pretty much go where they are supposed to, yet there are times when a malfunction happens. my opinion. i do not think this was deliberate. to fully understand the war in iraq. or Afghanistan. you would of have to been there. these men and women risk there lives day in day If a rocket or two misses its intended target. well its just the cost of war.

Help me i need help reinstalling vista from recovery drive on pc?

I am using Windows Vista Home premium 64bit edition I have a recovery partion on one of my three drives i would like to know how to reinstall my operating system from that drive on restart or from the actual desktop. My pc for some reason is taking 30 minutes to restart it just leaves me in the blue HP screen giving me f9 setup f10 settings f11 recovery but the problem i press the ona and there is no response from the computer so i know everything is working i have ran a diagnostic's test everything checks out fine. so i am lead to believe the vista os is corrupted so i want a way to start upp my recovery partion from the desktop hopefully if not a sure way from restart based on what you have experienced this pc is 20 days old and it is 5.6 vista compatible so i am sure it is not the hardware please help. and going in recovery points does not work by the way i am not computer illiterate so dont be afraid to be thorough on your description.

Does anyone know if theyre doing the scene in which Ron and Ginny get in a huge?

fight after Ron and Harry catch Ginny and Dean kissing in the corridor after Quidditch practice? In Harry Potter 6.

What is the easiest and quickest way to get dingle off fleece jackets?

They make a lint shaver that's great for lint , they have them at walmart or you can order them online at It's a little battery operated shaver made especially for this.

Treasure trooper or cashcrate?

Cashcrate is a good program and you still can make money from it. I have been a member since 2008 and I still make money with them on a daily basis and get paid. You can read up to date information about it here a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why do Americans think their war OF terror is just?

Whats so righteous about invading a foriegn country, that posed no threat to you? And I dont want 9/11 used as an excuse, because even if the USA governments 'official' version of events is correct, its still unfair to invade & blow up a whole country....and we cant even say what REALY happened anyway, there are far too many unanswered questions- which is reasonable doubt. I dont want to hear Saddam used as an excuse either, because he was around for a long time before America took any action. How would you guys feel if some country didnt like your system of government, and were richer than you? How would you feel about them tapping into your water supply, setting up bases & blowing the crap out of everything???

Beethoven's fifth or ninth?

The fifth is better known but I prefer the ninth, fourth movement, real loud, my friend here says the fifth is his best work, any opinions?

Why has America been cursed by Evangelical Protestantism?

Its one thing to be a minority, but a whole other thing to live in a country that advocates a religion with such narrow minded views, calling people evil, imposing all these stupid and unjust rules, telling people what religion to follow, and promising them Eternal torment for not being a part of the right religion. Its one thing to be a minority, but a whole other matter to be treated like a Demon because I dont endorse their regressive and boring repressive religion. Im just hoping this kind of thought is not predominant in America. Cause if it is, our nation would be in big trouble, and I would be disgraced to live in a country that endorsed such a fascist religion. No other regions, like Europe, Africa, India, East Asia, Canada, Australia, and every other world region. Few other nations have to deal with these regressive and oppressive cults. So why us?

Physics question on electric currents?

i am stuck on a problem of how to make a model in explaining why a conductor heats up when a electric current flows through. any help would be wonderful! thanks a ton for any help provided -Jeffery

I need you help on what to do!! please I need a guys opinion!!?

just talk to him, got out for a meal and get on the same page and have a good time if the ball is in your court then take the chance to show him you do care for him and have feelings for him. any way that just my opinion good luck :D

Come on guys let's calm down?

I am calm. I am not writing anything against anybody. But some are writing ridiculous against us. That really hurts me. But then also I am calm. I believe in action rather than doing blah blah......

Which sword is better? Ichigo's or Inuyasha's? And which fighter would win in a fight if they had the same...?

if they had the same speed who would win in a fight? and what about in Inuyasha's big bro faought him? would he beat Ichigo? he is pretty strong but who knows? what you guys think?

Triumph Spitfire headlamp surround?

The screw for the chrome surround is at the very bottom of the lamp.Not uncommon for it not to be there as it rattles out.Start at the bottom if its not there? and use a flat bladed screwdriver between the trim and the headlamp bowl and it should spring off,hope this helps,

BMW problem?

I have a 5 series 04 abs and dtc light on dash took to bmw told me so many faults ie service due 397,668 miles ago they say a list of faults anyone any ideas changed the alloys from 17" to 19" 2 hours later the lights came on anything to do with that or a condience

Would you read this book?

I would read it, and I'm 14. I like period books and this one looks good, I love how you spelled bartholomeu

I need ideas for a gory Halloween costume?

I want to be something dead and bloody. I need some ideas. Or if anyone has any good ideas for couples costumes that are scary?

I need help with some Trig!(:?

it says! "Find the least positive degree measure that is a solution. Round to the tenth of a degree" then it wants you to do that for csc x = 5.0382. Now how do I find X??

Ticks in the home?

I am havin problems with ticks in my house, we have a dog which is frontlined every few weeks, onw night we let him off the lead in the bondu, followin day we noticed some ticks, so we removed them and frontlined him again. Couple o weeks later we are still battling ticks now in the house and the dog. I have gone round my hallway skirtings this morning and found ticks around it, have removed them and sprayed vodka around, (not sure if that'll work) hoping so though. Have gone round a little bit of my livingroom too and found some there, hoover decided to overheat and shut down so have to wait for that to cool before i start again. I am at my wits end with these pesky little things, anyone any ideas how best to get rid of them from the house????? Please help

Will there ever be a republican to run against Obama?

Sarah is the best to run against Obama and she will win by a margin of three to one Obama will get only one or two states and O bama will throw a ***** fit so bad that he will declare that he is a the dictator of the US.

A stupid question asked a million times?

ive recently heard about this ting craze. and i would like to know more about it. is there a way that companys can alert someone when they send the children send the messages? if so. i would like to know how to get this feature so i can watch what my children send.

Best way to get my hair this colour?

if i were you, i would go to a salon and bring that picture with you. ask the stylist if they think it would match your skintone and facial bone structure. if not, ask them for other suggestions and see if you would like some of those. good luck! :)

Will it snow in Stoke on Trent today?

could you tell me if it will snow in Stoke on Trent today because i really want to know so i can organize a snow ball fight.

Good fantasy baseball trade?

Definitely good trade, i would actually recommend dropping Joyce instead of Ackely. Joyce has slow down considerably since May.

My top Baby names for a boy?

I like Lucas and Noah the best. Actually, Noah Lucas would be wonderful. :) I'm not a huge fan of Bruce or Hugh cause they're middle-age names to me, not for a baby. And Samson is nice, but I know too many dogs with that name LOL (Don't you hate when you have those negative ociations? It makes things so difficult!) Hope this helps! :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Red/White Blood Count - Cancer?

White blood count in general indicates an infection. Most "cancer centers" are focused on a pharmaceutical "cure" and there is none. Cancer in general can be cured. 200 years ago cancer was extremely rare. If we return to the benefits of those days,,,, no food additives , no pesticides (in our food) the body will cure itself given the opportunity. Cf. Dr Richard Schulze at HERBDOC

Is Obama becoming the master of misleading semantics?

I liked it today that he said they were reducing military funding by 10% but that they would all get raises. How does he do this?

Will the groomer take care of the ticks in my dog's coat? part 2?

okay, so i just posted that question, and i think i'm going to pull the ticks out. but if the head doesn't come out, is that i bad thing? should i be worried? even if it's not a problem, can i get it out? and when i do pull the tick out, will it hurt my dog? if it does, will it hurt much? what is the most painful it can get? i'm not going to put her on the k-9 atvantixs plan (or whatever) because i don't live in a tick prone area. my grandparents do. but i'll buy the stuff just when she comes over so i don't have to deal. where can i get it? is it at the drug store, or do i have to buy it from my vet? if there's any questions you think i'm missing, please answer anyway. it would be mucho appreciated.

Cute outfit ideas???

My favorite is always bermuda shorts (that come to the knee) and a loose flowing top. Cute shoes to match and the best thing you can do to make your outfit look like you took the extra effort is JEWELry.

Who has seen?

I HAVE! i know i am a guy but that is my favorite movie ever. its me and my girlfriends fav movie. its amazing. shane is deff in good shape, and mandy looks absloutly stunning

Should steve smith(Car) be starting?

I have Pierre garcon, Brandon marshall, Mike-Sims walker starting. Im letting brayland do his thing with the jets this week so between smith, garcon, marshall and walker...should Smith start?

Supernatural, TV series?

Good questions. The first time the *****/jerk thing is done is in the Pilot. Then again in Born Under a Bad Sign and then Dean tries it in What Is and What Should Never Be, but it doesn't work because Sam doens't remember. I don't remember them doing it after that. Sammy's are getting fewer and further between. The last time I can specifically remember Dean calling him that is in My Bloody Valentine, but that doesn't mean it was the last time.

The $10.00 laptop. ok so looks like this is just fiction for now?

ok now is this right? India is just researching to see if they can produce a lap top and sell it for 10 bucks. ?? i'm uming many of u out there have heard about this? it's relatively new to me. but a local news channell reported on it a couple of days ago here in okc. then today i heard about it on Paul Harvey. ne 1 know much about this. what i googled was that its not reality yet.

Why is metal a good conductor of heat, and air is a good insulator of heat?

Metals have exrta electrons that they want to lose, so the electrons are free to move around and bang into each other which makes the heat. Air has no metals in it so it is the opposite. All the elements in air want to keep their electrons.

Indiana to jump on the Arizona band wagon ?

November we need to replace the liberal amnesty lovers good for Indiana sure hope Florida and the rest of the country joins in we are over run with illegals.

Question for anyone who is good at making friends?

You just need to be confident in yourself and having confidence will make you have more friends. Go up to people and introduce yourself, im young and it works for me so i say go give it a try.

Does the Minnesota Twins still wear their regular home jerseys with the current logo?

When I'm watching sports highlights like on Sportscenter, when I see Twins highlights, like on their home games, I recognize that they always use their home throwback jerseys a href=",r:14,s:0&biw=1280&bih=881" rel="nofollow"…/a or their home old throwback jerseys a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=881&wrapid=tlif130998940140910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14441280645444122108&sa=X&ei=ItoUTr-aKenYiAKt7ajwDQ&ved=0CG0Q8gIwAw#" rel="nofollow"…/a and they don't wear their regular home jerseys with the current logo a href=",r:5,s:0&biw=1280&bih=881" rel="nofollow"…/a . Now did they just got rid of those jerseys, or do they still have them? If they still have them, why are they not wearing those jerseys anymore, or they havent recently during their home games? So what happen to those home jerseys for the Twins, how come they are not wearing it anymore, how come they stop wearing those jerseys?

When did Bangladesh get freedom ?

When the British decided to create an East and West Pakistan to help resolve the conflicts between the Hindus and the Muslims. East Pakistan soon became Bangladesh. (During the British colonial rule of India)

Widespread Panic?

If you're a fan- which of their CDs is your favorite? If you have more than 1, feel free to list them in order.

Is it weird to find your dad annoying?

I'm 15. Let's start with: My family and I couldn't be anymore different. My mom is against gay marriage, and I am supporting it. I believe that life should be lived appreciated and happily, while my mom believes money will resolve everything, and the fact that she looks at the gl half empty. My parents and I speak completely different languages. They speak chinese, and i am not even able to speak half of what they speak, but i can understand it. I speak English pretty much 24/7 and I'm an English major. Basically, my parents and I aren't as close as most. A month ago, I went to a formal dance party and my date and his dad picked me up. My date was Caucasian and him and his dad shared a really good conversation in the car, and I just wished I had that kind of relationship with my parents. When my date walked me to the door, i rang the doorbell, and my dad topens the door with his PJ shorts and his hand scratching his stomach! I was utterly disgusted. My dad has bad habits like awkward sitting position at the dinner table, and i find his voice just really annoying. When he answers his phone, he speaks REALLY LOUD. When i say something to him, he asks "what?" and i tell him again and he says"huh?" this cycle happens at least 3 times!! its not even an exaggeration. I find my dad embarrasing most of the time. Is it abnormal? Any advice?

What happened to Joy Division after Ian Curtis? How to define New Order?

New Order definitely had a distinctly different vibe from Joy Division, but both bands were hugely influential. Joy Division is credited with influencing emo, alternative, goth, and indie rock while New Order was a groundbreaking synth-pop band. Both bands are routinely covered (see "Love Will Tear Us Apart or "Blue Monday")

Is Adrian Gonzalez for real or is this HR streak a fluke?

I'm getting lots of trade offers but don't know if I should trade what looks like the 2nd best hitter in baseball behind Pujols right now.

Why is gravel put in fish tanks?? gl pebbles instead?!?

A well established aquarium should have gravel, i prefer the natural pea stone, the bacteria builds up and breaks down naturally balancing the nitrite and nitrate levels keeping your aquarium water pristine.

Any Ideas for aim screen names?

I'm so desperate!!! i cant think of a thing. i guess it would help to say what i like cuz then it makes it easier to think of a sn. Ok i love twilight. my fave color is red. im boy crazy. and i love to paint. ok someone plz come up with some ideas that might hav to do with some of my interests!!!!!!

Computer won't boot...NTLDR is mising, cannot recover XP with CD?

When you try to reinstall/repair do you have an HP printer plugged in? Unplug all your USB devices except for your mouse and keyboard and boot to the disk.

Is this someone who I should be friends with?

It's not really a big deal long distance relationships don't work, she is probably doing the same thing over on the other side of the line flirting and possibly having with other dudes. So don't worry about ******* up their relationship.

Hilary duff has changed a lot!?

today i was watching hilary duff's new music video reach out and she has changed a lot she is not the old Lizzie McGuire why?

Andthing to deter my cat from murdering?

Ok, so my one true love (Pumpkin), has been hopeless at catching any kind of animal, including mice, for the last 3 years. I was happy with that. I thought it was because she was too loved to resort to violence and had plenty of food anyway. (she is just a tad chubby) but she's caught a couple of birds recently, also some mice and a poor bat. =( I know she's a cat, but is there Anything out there to stop her catching the birds? We live in the country in a safe place where she can go outside, and she never strays from the house/garden/shed area anyway so I don't want to keep her inside all the time.

i like crocs i too want to study about them and catch them r there any clubs or tour travels that can help me?

sir i want to catch crocs in their evironment under the guidance of braddy barr would u help me? r there any tours conducted by national geographic in india i.e mumbai so that i can join that any go to catch crocs and i also want to see the skull of monster croc in real

Possible Loan Scam in Naperville, Illinois?

I would be leery. I checked the Better Business Bureau at a href="" rel="nofollow" and there is nothing resembling that name registered with them. I also did a Yahoo search on the name and came up with nothing. Also, the fact that your contact has an e-mail with instead of something like a is also a bad sign.

Am I rightfully concerned, or just paranoid?

Nothing much you can do now that you are divorced from her. If she is going to be stupid enough to allow some guy she just met move in with her that is her problem. I would talk to a lawyer though and say you are concerned about the welfare of your son and see if there is anything that can be done about the custody arrangement.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Christian advice on certain dreams and there meaning...?

Dreams don't have any significant meaning, it's just a way to make your fantasies a "reality," so to speak. In the case of nightmares, it would be your fears instead of your fantasies. And it's pretty bad that you have suitcases packed in case you have to flee. Why are you afraid of fairy tales?

The barometric pressure was 725 torr. A sample of distilled water is at 26.2 C. What is the volume of 1.0000g?

The barometric pressure was 725 torr. A sample of distilled water is at 26.2 C. What is the volume of 1.0000 g of this water corrected to 20C?

What are human responsibilities to institutions? Do they qualify as persons, non-persons, or trans-persons?

For better or for worse, the first loyalty of a person is to their own people; that must never change, but people do change and new groups are formed in the course of time. If and when there is a movement to increase the competence in the people, and that movement is structured according to true descriptions of principles of cause and effect, maintenance and supply, injury and medicine, then this is the right direction. Persons communicate to persons, corporate entities communicate to corporate entities.

Multiple colors in photoshop brush presets?

How do I make my brush presets colorful? I know how to choose single colors, from the color picker, but I see a lot of brush available online that are multi-colored, or gradient. How is this done? Thank you, Tracy

What state is bangladesh?

i asked a question earlier about where in the world is marijuana legal to grow and i got a answer that bangladesh is the only country that has no laws on the subject, where is that ? are u sure there are no laws down there ? what facts do u have on the subject please tell.

A random pet cat question?

Poor Little Trio...Must be hard to live like that...?But no i don't reckon it will harm Poor little dinky winky sweetie Trio so don't worry about it....! It seems like you have more worries for your cat than Bamboo leaves..! :)

PC trouble please HELP! is it my mother board or monitor?

w/o being able to see for myself, i would say it's the monitor. sounds unlikey, in your situation, it would be the card.

Create Autorun install CD?

Is there any easy to use freeware out there that will allow me to create an auto-run CD...For example if I have a game program, an emulator, ePSXe, and I want to put the .exe install file on a CD and next time I put that CD into a computer it automaticly prompts install...Without having to drag the .exe file off the CD and copy it to the HDD...Anyone know of anything like that?

Why is it OK for newswomen to enter the mens locker room but newsmen cannot enter the womens locker room?

There are naked athletes in both locker rooms. If one side can enter, shouldn't the other side be allowed to do the same in the name of fairness, equality, and all? OR is this just another of society's double standards that has no logical explanation and is just the way it is? Just asking......

Can someone translate a message thats in russian/ possibly Kyrgyz using english letters into english?

haha wooow I lived in Kyrgyzstan for eight years of my life and never learned Kyrgyz. and they're talking about some place. and how this guy is the weakest there. It doens't make mush sense to me. And I am fluent in Russian.

If God is just some myth why are their so many follower's?

Some people need to believe in something bigger than themselves to go through life. Others are satisfied with science. I don't hate god. I can't hate something that doesn't exist, like you said. What I hate is people like you that try to throw religion down my throat. People that haven't taken a critical look at religion and takes everything at face value.

What are the benefits of incorporating in DE instead of NY where I am?

I am starting an internet based business and I am doing research on incorporation. I think I have it narrowed down to an LLC. All the info I am coming across is saying it's better to incorporate in DE or NV. How would that work as far as taxes and does it matter that I am not in DE?

What piano is better, Petrof or Kawai?

KAWAII. simple answer. The sales people will tell you whatever you need to hear to get you to buy, but they have a maufacturers competition in Europe every year for the best pianos and KAWAII has won the gold medal every year for the past fifteen years (I think). I work as a professional musician, I own two KAWAII grandes. One's at my house, the other at my studio. I also have my diplomas in clical but I work in the rock industry. The weighted keyboard on the Kawaii is PERFECT and it's completely adjustable by a technician so it'll never be a problem! EVER! You didn't mention whether you wanted to buy new or second hand. I'd go second hand if I were you. A new piano takes up to ten years to mature and sound good. And if you buy brand new you have to "Go easy on it" for the first eighteen months until it settles. There's a place in the outer suburbs of Sydney called THE PIANOFORTE that sell really good KAWAIIs cheaper than the ones you quoted above. You could buy a KAWAII concert grande from these people for less than the prices you quoted above for an upright. (NOTE: NEVER BUY A GRANDE PIANO THAT IS LESS THAN SIX FEET IN LENGTH!!!) Baby grandes are toys. They wont stay tuned, they're room decorations for photo frames and vases with flowers in them=don't buy them. Ever! Phone THE PIANOFORTE on Monday and tell them CAT told you to call them (You'll get a discount) And I'll phone them on monday to let them know you're my "Client" and your problems will be solved. (They have uprights too=AUD$5,000+) KAWAII only though or I'll cry. And no, I don't work for either company. All the best with you Amus. Cat.

What would happen if i just drank water for a couple days and no food?

i know its bad for you and i dont plan to do it but, i was wondering, if you drink water it stuffs you and makes you feel all gross, so if you drink water all the time you wouldnt feel hungry?? right?? or am i wrong?? cuz wen i was dieting someone told me to drink a lot of water because you wont feel hungry and i didnt but i still ate food, soo yea wut would happen??? would it be just lke starving urself?????

A sample of igneous rock is found to contain the radioactive parent and daughter isotope uranium -235 and....?

and lead -207 in the ratio of 12.5%: 87.5% respectively. uming that no lead was present when the rock first formed, estimate the age of this sample.

Should there be a male liberation?

Yes, I think that men should reach some sort of consensus that just because they are men does not mean that they have to be exaggeratedly violent or stoical. I think it would make them a lot happier, make the women in their lives a lot happier, and also make the world a lot less militaristic (in my opinion a lot of the war and violence in the world happens because men are trying to be manly and not look weak)

Its a funny joke?

A chap was sitting in the pub with his dog next to a open log fire. A man walks up to him and says "nice dog,dose he do anything?" Ho yes" said the chap with the dog ,"he's an iornmonger!" "an iornmonger?" said the man.... "I just dont believe it !""do you want me to prove it to you?" said the chap..."yes"said the man !!so the chap got a red- hot poker from the fire, pushed it up the dogs backside... and the dog made a bolt for the door!!! was that funny? and by the way its from a birthday card.

My 94 prelude revs to 3k when im in nuetral?

my manual prelude revs itself to like 3k and it stays there when im in nuetral but only sometimes idk why..

Thriller/Forensic Mystery books?

I've read two books- The angel of Death by Alane Ferguson, and The kidnapping of Christina Lattimore by Joan Lowery Nixon, and I really, really liked them. Do u know any simillar books, that would be worth reading?

Why do all snail shells appear to spiral the same way?

I have noticed that all shells (as far as I have ever seen) seem to spiral in their usual logarithmic fashion, the same way (clockwise with the apex facing you). Why is this? Is it defined by species? Hemisphere of origin? Rotation of the planet?

Where can i get songs from?

yeah, try limewire of bearshare or any of the file sharing programs, maybe even try iso hunt or mininova which are torrent downloading sites which i find good for getting complete albums and lots of movies and tv shows, in my opinion these are better than limewire style sharing programs. best of luck

Alot of people will choose not to accept the mark of the beast, right?

So, I've been thinking. Surely there are so many people who are Christian etc. who will choose not to receive the mark. Won't this stop this from happening? An example being an id card in the UK that loads of people refused, so it didn't come about. So whether the mark is a chip or something else, could it be that the prophesy about it might just be a warning and not what will actually happen? Can anyone here see how this prophesy might come true? Also, is it really possible that another Hitler type person might actually take over the entire world and force this new monetary system on people? How might this take place? Anyone got any ideas?

My kitten is 5 months old and she nurses on my clothes and my blankets why?

We got out perdy kitten Gemma when she was 5 wks and 5 days old and she nurses on anything in the floor especially 1 pair of pj pants that are mine and my blanket. Why does she do this? other than this she is a perfectly normal and healthy kitty..

How about geting Jodie Meeks and Brandon Jennings and make a trade that works?

first of all, Orlando would have to most likely give up Carter or Rashard Lewis or Jameer Nelson just to get Jennings. This is stupid of u to ask this. Orlando is a championship contender even with Jameer Nelson out.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Confusing relationship: help needed?

Me and my friend confessed that we loved each other in early December, and things have yo-yo'd a bit. Firstly, he just got out of a long, messy relationship he had wanted to be out for for a long time, with someone who was, well not nice to say the least (a manipulative cheat). And then he said he wasn't ready for anything to happen, but changed his mind. We're away from uni for the holidays at the moment (we're a bit older though, i'm 23 he's 26), and i know he has a turbulent family life at home too... but we still managed to talk every day, email, message each other. He kept saying how I was the most amazing thing to happen to him, and how in love he was with me. But then a few days ago, I made a small comment about, if I kissed another guy, would that be a betrayal? And ever since he's been acting cold, that i want to define things when he's not ready. He's been pretty hurtful, saying that I tried to push him where he wasn't ready to go and that it's too raw for him and he's not ready. I don't understand as I haven't tried to push him anywhere, and now I don't know what to say. He says he needs me there as a friend, but right now I don't feel strong enough, and he just sent me an email jumping down my throat because my response to his "are you okay?" was "i feel a little hurt and let down, but i'm okay, i hope you are too". I don't know how this has happened or where I stand or what I should do

Have you seen this fool on youtube yet?

It's called the Cajun version of "The Thunder Rolls" Is he a foo or what? (Still Laughing)

If I wrote amazing material, could I change your preference to genre?

Now I have a genre that I like to write about and most likely will be my first novel, as I have shared an exerpt on here already. BUT, it would be a milestone to appeal to EVERY reader, now I know this is a HUGE leap, but hey; everyone has dreams right? So if you like to read the Crime, murder books, could I get you to read a Non-fiction/ psychological thriller? Or maybe the other way around. Just need those thrown-out-there-ideas. Mucho Thanks.

How do i get a trademark / copy right for my company?

What you want to do is register a trademark at the United States Patent & Trademark Office. They have a web site at Instructions for searching for prior similar trademarks and for filing for a unique trademark of your own are at the site. Unlike patents, for which they recommend hiring an attorney, you can register a trademark yourself. One key thing - if you have a company, incorporated in the state where you live, you will want the company to own the trademark, and you yourself to own the company. It is advisable to incorporate so that any debts your company has do not automatically become yours personally.

HELP please :( I workout so much and no results.?

I don't think your calories are really even over 1200. Though it depends on your portion sizes. Generally it does take 3 months to see any dramatic results. But you also need to do more strength training and a bit less cardio. Do about 20min to an hour 3-5 day out of the week and also do strength training for about that amount of time as well. If you go to a gym you can use the machines or free weights. Don't focus on one muscle though and don't not work out one muscle because that can cause injury later on. For example if you work out your back you need to do your chest. Whey protein shakes will only help you build muscle. So with toning it will help but it isn't going to make you lose weight.

Would you buy these CD's for your baby/toddler?

The NiN one really cracks me up, I think I would be more likely to just play the real thing... Good thing I don't want kids huh? Babies like Slayer, right?

Why doesn't my sound work on my pc?

Uninstall the sound card via device manager, reboot windows and cross your fingers. 9 times out of ten windows will allocate a driver which will get your sound card up and running. If not then use the details of the card via to download the specific driver.

What does it mean when(Revised).......? 10PTs Best Answer!?

Sounds like either her text might not work...or she might not know your could perhaps ask her on aim if there is something wrong with her text messages because you tried texting her and she didn't respond. If she makes up an excuse for it and tries to change the subject I would say move on because she might just be playing mind games. Or you could even say can you text me because I am not sure if I have your number correct.

Becoming a makeup artist.?

Hi I am currently in makeup school right now and I think we are being certified. If I want to do bridal makeup for people and big events would I be qualified for that or more if I was liscense. I am so intrested in becoming an makeup artist to do for photo shoots and just need info on how to do that along with freelance for companys like vouge...Im very intrested in this so good information please everyone.

How can unstick my life?

you are obviously not talking with the root problem, which is this constant source of dissatisfaction you are experiencing. Find what is it that you like first before thinking about being different or original, then get to learn about it (there are so many inexpensive ways to do so) and then, only then, see how you can capitalize on it.

Lebanon - a question for the girls?

I do waxing and threading and a few plucks, and I fill in areas with an eyebrow pencil and powder duo.

Question about the D.H. rule?

Basically you would just call on your next avilable best hitter off the bench. They would just be penciled in as the DH, he technically wouldnt be a ph or pr just the new DH, same as subbing in for a 2b or lf!

Physics... Einstein's special theory of relativity?

If yo dig down into Earth, you can't dig back up without digging at least 1 tile to the left or right, hope this helps your physics issue!

Is this SNL rumor true?

I read that there were reports stating that Zac Efron might be joining the SNL cast. Is this true? I know he hosted last week, but it said he might be joining the regular cast next season.

Does creationism have any evidence to support it?

Is there any evidence for the creator? If there is a creator surely "it" must have some evidence of existing?

Chem test review problem?

A 20.45-g sample of a solid is placed in a flask. Toluene, in which the solid is insoluble, is added to the flask so that the total volume of solid and liquid together is 50.0 mL. The solid and toluene together weigh 48.4 g. The density of toluene at the temperature of the experiment is 0.864 g/mL. What is the density of the solid in g/mL?

What would I find most interesting in a Latin guy?

Guys only please I am traveling to Colombia anf than Ecuador down to Peru , Chile Argentina and end up in Brazil .

Do Jews wash themselves before each prayer?

Muslims wash themselves(wuthu) before each of the 5 daily prayers. Do Jews do likewise? And if they break wind or fall asleep do they have to wash again before they can pray?

Speech of Angela Merkel?

I am looking for the speech which Angela Merkel just translated from English into German. The original speech was from an american politician I think. Thanks!

How can I get to the Kostnice Ossuary in Kutna Hora, Czech Republic?

Takes some 50 minutes by bus, I think its 50-60 km from Prague. You have to buy a ticket but its cheap. The bone chapel is interesting, the cathedral of Saint Barbora is phenomenal. When you are inside take a look up at the ceiling it looks like flowers floating in space.

What part of mitosis do centrioles enter into the picture?

So we have an ignment where we have to make something change in mitosis to cure can be I decided to stop centrioles from entering into mitosis. But for starters I need to know what part during mitosis do the centrioles even enter into mitosis. Such as interphase, metaphase... I would really appreciate it! =]

Christians & Jews, are public displays of affections (PDA) allowed in your religion?

It is allowed (between husband and wife, and between close relatives) but it's not commonly displayed outside the bedroom between husband and wife.

Either/or? Name spellings, just for fun!?

Annabelle, Kia, Isabelle, Amy, Ellen, Jewels, Ophelia, Meghan, Ashleigh, Bridget, Makayla, Jayden, Hillarie.

What's the point of the individual voter voting if only the "ELECTORAL VOTES" count?

Good question!!!, to keep it simple... drum roll please... your vote doesn't count, your vote is only an statistics number to see what people think and how the money will flow in the following administration as in special interests and which way they will lean their support. That's why you also have early voting, absentee, etc. etc.

What are the differences betwixt National Socialism and Fascism?

Sorry I'm only here because I like the word "betwixt". You just don't see it enough these days :)

Rate/Fix my new elemental hero deck?

quite a good deck but why don't you have Miracle FUSION its nasty as hell Always take it in a E hero deck, also take elemental hero wood man he has 2000 def and can get polymerisation back from the grave when coupled with Ocean they can turn the tide of a duel (if you do this also take elemental hero terra firmer as he is also quite nasty) the only other card i would recommend is elemental hero prisma as he can be changed for any other hero for the sakes of FUSION summoning. the only other thing i can say is e hero fusion monsters are nasty take more of them!

First Time Insurance?

Does anyone have any suggestions of companys for Insurance for a first time driver, i dont expect it to be too cheap but most qoutes ive had are Horrendous. also, cars that would be low on insurance would be great, cheers!

Is Gov. Palin Self Serving (Concerning Her Daughters Pregnancy Issue)?

I have to admit that same thought has crossed my mind. I mean she is raising children and basically applying for a very time consuming job. However, I am betting she and her family have discussed this and they are all for it. She is going to be painted as a terrible mother and the fact that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant will just help this cause to paint her as a mother who puts her own priorities over her family. However, at the same time this helps her to better relate to the average American family. To be honest with you she is the first "Politician" on the national stage that I feel can relate to the same issues that I struggle and deal with on a daily basis. My wife is a stay at home mother (who votes) and this lady has gotten her fired up to vote for McCain (she voted for Hilary in the Primaries but I think that was because she thinks Obama is dangerous and wanted to do what she could to stop him not because she is a die hard Hilary supporter). I think the media is trying to make this a huge issue but I think average Americans (which I feel my family and I are) relate to this lady and this may seal the deal for the republicans.

Im from Orlando FL but i think im love with a boy from ATL georgia?

I met this boy over the souljaboy line 678-999-8212 its free and weve been texting and talkin to each other over the phone for about 3 months and i really want to meet him!! im only 15 and hes 16 and i sent him pics and he sent me pics of him too. i think im in love with him hes reaally cute and he really is 16 cus i heard his voice over the phone

Should Drew Brees sit out today's game for his own safety?

Drew will throw for 400 yards today. Now that the steelers can't hit helmet to helmet anymore they will have their D line run over all day long. As much as I dislike the fish, they should have won last week. Steeler are not going to get those same breaks today. Saints 38 - Steeler 27